Nacra 15 used buy/sell, 9 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Catamarans
- Nacra
- Nacra 15
The Nacra 15 is the sports catamaran of the young sector for budding competitors. It is a modern catamaran which appeared in 2015 and which aims to prepare young competing crews for the regatta and eventually to sail on Nacra 17. The Nacra 15 exists in a foiler version: the Nacra 15 FCS.
9 ads «Nacra 15»
€9,500 — Nacra 15 for sale Bretagne / Lorient

€12,000 — Nacra 15 Nacra for sale in Carnac

€11,000 — Nacra 15 Nacra for sale in Tallinn

€9,500 — Nacra 15 Nacra à vendre à Knokke-Heis
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The Nacra 15 is the catamaran from the American shipyard "Nacra" for the youth championships: the ISAF world championships. This boat designed by Morellin Melvin and Nacra Design is a 15 feet (4,70m) catamaran very modern and performing for its size.
The Nacra was preferred by the English sailing federation which chose it instead of the Spitfire.
Second hand market of the Nacra 15
Second hand Nacra 15 catamarans are often quite expensive, the oldest boats are around 10000€ but the most recent ones, equipped with foils and optimized for racing cost up to 25000€. A new standard Nacra 15 costs 20000€.
Numbers and dimensions of "Nacra 15"
127 kg
Sail area
13.6 + 3.3m²
Morrelli & Melvin
Launch year