- Wanaboat
- Catamarans
- Alado
- Formula 18
- Formule 18 Alado to sell in Merville-Franceville-Plage, Normandie, France

Formule 18 Alado to sell in Merville-Franceville-Plage, Normandie, France
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Catamaran ALADO 2 Formula 18 optimized for racing
Bought new in June 2003 from J.VALER architect and builder of the boat
(the moulds of the Alado hulls were used to build the Hobby Cat Tiger)
Extremely robust, seaworthy and healthy boat.
The boat has sailed little, mainly in raid (Raid du Mt St Michel, raid Emeraude...) after each regatta the boat regatta the boat and sails are rinsed and stored in a dry shed.
Last outing in 2018 (Catagolfe)
Mast, Mainsail and Spinnaker
spinnaker of Hobby Cat Tiger Jib : Pentex Seagull cut Spinnaker: Nacra cut polyester
Set of 4 carbon reinforced daggerboards
Marstrom rudders
Fittings : Harken, Ronstan Very good condition of the sails and the boat, ready to sail.
For sale 5500€ with her trailer (Eurotrax) and her road trailer and storage box