Merlin Rocket used buy/sell, 1 ad listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Sailing dinghies
- Merlin Rocket
The Merlin Rocket is a very nice English double dinghy. The Merlin has a notable design thanks to its clinker hull.
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€2,000 — Merlin Rocket Devoti for sale in Cannes
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The Merlin Rocket is a 14ft (4.3m) dinghy sailing in the UK. It is an active class, with now over 3700 boats built.
The boat is designed around fairly loose class rules, which means that all boats in the class must be within a certain length and width, but can be of any shape. This allows for a quick modernisation of the class. The great advantage is the rapid adoption of new technologies and the possibility of modifying a boat to suit the weight and capabilities of its crew. Although the rules allow for many sail designs, many modern Merlin Rockets have similar sails. Most of them have a forced batten which allows for a large surface area at the top of the sail. Although the rules are open, they are not unlimited. The use of a trapeze is forbidden in this class for example.
The Merlin Rocket is rare in France. They are sometimes found for around 3000€ or more depending on the condition and preparation. A fairly equivalent production model would be the RS200.