Hobie Cat 17 used buy/sell, 12 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Catamarans
- Hobie Cat
- Hobie Cat 17
The hobie cat 17 is a sport catamaran built quite old (1985) produced by the Hobie Cat shipyard inspired by the A class. It is intended for single-handed catamaran sailing but also accepts duets.
12 ads «Hobie Cat 17»

€3,200 — Hobie Cat 17 à vendre Bretagne / Carnac

€350 — Hobie Cat 17 parts for sale in Clohars-Carnoët

€250 — Hobie Cat 17 parts for sale in Ostende

€850 — Hobie Cat 17 Hobie Cat for sale in Mortagne-sur-Gironde
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Hobie Cat 17, single-handed catamaran of the 1980s
Originally designed for single-handed sailing, the HC 17 proudly boasts wide abseiling ladders to help control the beautiful sails in the breeze, but these ladders can also accommodate an extra crew member.
For this purpose, an SE version has also been produced: with a jib to keep the crew member busy.
Even if its design is rather old, the Hobie Cat 17 remains a safe, robust and reliable value and is very attractive on occasions and offers exhilarating sensations. The Hobie Cat 17 has been replaced by a more modern design, the Hobie Cat Fx One.
Hobie Cat 17 second-hand market
This old boat is much rarer than the little brother Hobie Cat 16. However, it can be found at affordable prices of around 1500€. These old occasions will however require quite a lot of maintenance and renovation.
Numbers and dimensions of "Hobie Cat 17"
5,18 m
2,44 m
8,40 m
0,20 m
156 kg
Sail area
21 m²
John Wake
Launch year