Caravelle used buy/sell, 2 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Sailing dinghies
- Caravelle
The caravel is a collective sailing dinghy for cruising but can also be raced. Voluminous and safe, it is perfect to introduce dinghy sailing to novices.
2 ads «Caravelle»

€2,200 — Trolley / Trailer for sale null

€3,200 — Caravelle Autre marque for sale in Douarnenez
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History of the Caravelle
The Caravelle was designed in 1953 by Jean Jacques Herbulot. Initially it was a dinghy used to reach an anchorage from the shore with the help of oars or sculling. Then, at the request of the Glénans, a mast and sails were added, making it a sailor's boat, much sought after by sailing schools for the initiation of young sailors during collective sailing trips.
The historical Caravelle has a hull with sharp chines and a bow roller. Plastic caravelles, generally heavier, chubbier and more austere than the wooden versions, have also been produced. It is a good, safe, seaworthy boat that can easily carry 4 crew.
Used Caravelle market
There are not many advertisements and often it is a boat that belongs to clubs or communities rather than to individuals. However, it is a fairly inexpensive dinghy and therefore quite accessible for a family programme for example.
Numbers and dimensions of "Caravelle"
4,60 m
1,85 m
130 kg
0,20 m (dérive relevée), 1,00 m (dérive baissée)
6,50 m
Sail area
12,00 m² (grand-voile et foc)
J-Jacques Herbulot
Launch year