Contender used buy/sell, 2 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Sailing dinghies
- Contender
Contender short DescriptionThe Contender is a high performance single handed dinghy designed by Bob Miller in 1967. It was a contender to replace the Finn but unfortunately remained in the shadows afterwards. It is a beautiful dinghy that is a clear link between classic and modern dinghies.
2 ads «Contender»

€150 — Contender sails for sale in Préfailles

€8,000 — Contender for sale Provence-Alpes-Côte d'Azur / Saint-Tropez
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The contender, solo trapeze sailing dinghy
The contender is a dinghy with a rare elegance. A sort of Flying Dutchman in solo. It is a powerful single-handed boat, which was designed in Australia by Ben Lexcen. In France, the owners' association is experiencing a great revival and is proposing actions to discover this magnificent boat.
Contender, a dinghy quite rare in second hand
This is a rare boat and so is the second hand market. Many of the units produced are made of wood and require as much care and attention as the charm they produce. The French association also offers a trial run and support for first-time sailors
Numbers and dimensions of "Contender"
1,50 m
10,8 m²
Bob Miller
Launch year