Formula 18 HT used buy/sell, 2 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Catamarans
- Formula 18 HT
The Formula 18 HT is a class of boat that wanted to offer boats close to the Formula 18 but freeing itself from certain rules of gauge to make boats more extreme, faster, more powerful. It is above all the use of carbon that differs.
2 ads «Formula 18 HT»

€6,500 — Formule 18 HT Bimare for sale in Strasbourg

€2,800 — Formula 18 HT Bimare for sale in Comacchio
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Formula 18 High Tech
The 18 High Tech, is an evolution of the Formula 18 gauge. Thus, this freer gauge has a simple objective: to build 18-foot catamarans with the best possible performance by making massive use of new composite materials. The result is boats that are much lighter than the standard F18s with a weight on the scale of around 130kg, easier to handle on land and more accessible when sailing, as resalting is made easier by a carbon mast weighing only 20kg.
The 18 HT therefore follows the principle of the A-Class, but allows you to enjoy the pleasure of sailing on a high performance boat with two people. The F18 HT are innovative boats whose designs are very recent, therefore they are quite expensive and rather rare for second hand: around 10 000€, high performance and exclusivity have a price!
Numbers and dimensions of "Formula 18 HT"
5.50 m
2.60 m
180 kg
17m² + 4.15 m²
max 21 m²
environ 15 000 Euros