Nacra F20 used buy/sell, 3 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Catamarans
- Nacra
- Nacra F20
The Nacra F20 is a large sports catamaran, very fast. Built for performance by the Nacra shipyard using top materials: carbon, etc. The FCS version has equipped it with foil to make it a competitor of the Flying Phantom. It is therefore among the family of sport catamarans, one of the most advanced, perfected and extreme!
3 ads «Nacra F20»

€750 — fVoile(s) de Nacra F20 à vendre null

€5,500 — Nacra 6.0 SE (Special Edition) + Trailer for sale in Switzerland

€7,200 — Nacra F20 Carbon Mast for sale in Lille
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