Vaurien used buy/sell, 7 ads listing and price
- iWannaboat
- Sailing dinghies
- Vaurien
The Vaurien is a bit like the Hillman Minx of dinghies: simple, robust, and timeless! ✨🚣♂️ The Vaurien is a small one-design dinghy. It was designed in 1951 by the french architect Herbulot. Its distinctive hard chine hull sets it apart from boats like the Mirror or 420.
7 ads «Vaurien»
€2,000 — Vaurien for sale Centre-Val de Loire / Mer

€100 — Vaurien parts for sale in Rouen

€1,500 — Vaurien Autre marque for sale in Lorient

€1,200 — Vaurien Autre marque for sale in Amiens
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A quick throwback... ⏳
It’s 1951, and French naval architect Jean-Jacques Herbulot gets a mission: design a boat that’s cheap, easy to build, and perfect for young sailors. His genius idea? A plywood dinghy, assembled like a puzzle, that won’t break the bank. And so, in 1952, the Vaurien (yes, the cheeky name was intentional) is born and quickly becomes THE go-to sailing school boat.
What’s it like on board?
Crew : 2 people (but solo sailing is totally doable)
Length : 4.08 m
Weight : Around 95 kg (light yet solid!)
Sails : Mainsail + jib (and sometimes a spinnaker for the daring ones 🎈)
Numbers and dimensions of "Vaurien"
Sail area
5,60m2 + 2,50m2
Spinaker area
Jean-Jacques Herbulot
Launch year