Used moth foiler buy and sell second-hand, ads and prices
- iWannaboat
- Sailing dinghies
- Moth International
- Moth Foiler
The Moth International has always been a class leader in technological evolution. This avant-garde attitude has logically led to foiling versions of the Moth. And now all modern moths are foiling.
Here is the Moth foiler market, Bladerider, Mach2, Mistress and Moth Rocket!
16 ads «moth foiler»
11500€ / Moth International McConaghy Boats for sale in Moëlan-sur-Mer
8000€ / Moth International McConaghy Boats for sale in Les Sables-d'Olonne
4500€ / Moth International Aardvark Tech for sale in Calais
3000€ / Moth International McConaghy Boats for sale in Saint-Malo
The foiler: a Moth on steroids
The Moth foiler is the non-Olympic boat that brings together the highest level of racing. It is an extremely fast, demanding, technological boat. All the America's Cup racers train in Moth Foilers.
Moth Foiler prices and market
Very expensive when new, these boats drop in price quite quickly because the designs become outdated quite quickly. Soon, a hull can no longer shine at a high level.
However, Moth foilers are still very expensive boats, without talking about price per kg!